Hello and Welcome,

Whether you have arrived here from a referral or have been guided here,  I would like to give you a heads up about a few Key Things before you make a booking:

Scheduling Requirement

Home & Land Clearing

For Home & Land Clearings, the date you choose has to be  4days from the day that you pay.  In other words, your start date will need to be on the 4th day from the day you purchase the clearing.

Childhood Trauma Clearing

For Childhood Trauma Clearings, the date you choose has to be 7 days from the day that you pay.  The booking calendar reflects this automatically.  So when you are booking the date you will notice that the available date is 7 days later.

Time To Allocate

Home and Land Clearing
This energy clearing will take two and half (2½) hours.  During this time no one must be in the house.  You can be in the garden but MUST NOT enter the house during the clearing session.  The clearing will be stopped if any person enters the home.    Please ensure that no pets are left in the house.

Childhood Emotional Trauma (Soul Path Clearing)

These are POWERFUL Energy Clearings so the sessions need to be 3 days apart but no more than 5 days between each session.   This is a necessary requirement for recovery and re-balancing your energy,

Time of Booking

Booking times must be between the hours of 9.00am - 6.00pm during Summer and 9.00am - 4.00pm during winter.  In respect of 'Universal Laws' No clearings can take place before sunrise or after sunset.


Guidebook - Energy Clearing

Payment Security

When you arrive on the payments page you will see a section that requires you to fill in your details.  Complete this section before you click to pay. Once you click to pay, you will be taken off our website to the payment processing site of Paypal.  Here you can pay either through your Paypal account or via credit card.  For purposes of security, we do not hold any personal credit card details.

What To Expect After You Pay

Once you make your payment,  please do not click out of the page immediately, give a little time for your payment to be processed.  Once your payment is processed you will be redirected to our Website to confirm receipt of your payment.

In the event you have clicked out too fast after paying, DO NOT PANIC, you will receive an email with a link to the bookings page and my personal email. The bookings page is self explanatory.  Simply follow the steps.

What You Will Receive Once You Have Paid

You will receive an email with links to:

The Bookings Page (in case you have not been redirected to it)
You will also receive an email with a link to download  'Guidebook for  Energy Clearing'. This  guide will help you  prepare so you feel at ease and ready for the sessions.

For those taking 'Childhood Trauma Clearing' - You will receive an email with the download links to  'Conversations With Your Soul'.


IMPORTANT! Please note that there are no bookings available till the 10th of January 2021