House & Land Energy Clearing

Completely clear the energy of past traumatic events, past occupants, spirits, ancestral grief/spirits and more ....PLUS get 2 year protection grid for your HOME!

The land holds the energy of everything that has ever occurred on it!! 

What we are experiencing in our world today is the sum of it.  There are very few places in the world that has not experienced trauma and pain.

How do you feel when someone hurts you.  Do you not carry it with you?  Isn't it true that any time you recall the incident you also recall the pain it caused you.  The more pain and hurt a person experiences in life the less vibrant they become.

Planet Earth is a living breathing entity.  It has endured so much pain that we are now experiencing its pain as physical manifestations.

Not only am I am able to receive guidance but ask questions and receive answers.  I was shocked to the core when I was told that people are becoming sick because the pain and trauma held by the land is entering everything!! Including the vegetation.

That plants and vegetables are devoid of
positive life force energy !!

The trauma and pain held by the land invariably has an impact on our health and well being.  The weaker your energy field the greater the impact will be.  Low level aches and pains, feeling a lack of energy, getting irritated over things that don't matter, listless sleep, waking up several times a night etc. are common symptoms.

Ancestral Trauma - Grief, Pain & Spirits

The importance and value of respecting and loving 'Planet Earth' must never be underestimated.  Every part of our life has been sustained and continues to be sustained by Planet Earth.

The land holds the energy of everything that has occurred on it since time immemorial and whatever the land has experienced will have a direct impact on any homes built on it and its occupants.

The ongoing behavior of the occupants of a building or dwelling merges with the existing energy creating new energetic imprint. For instance, if a previous owner of the property has gone through upheavals such as a bitter divorce, all the emotions and trauma is absorbed by the land and the home.

If a person takes their own life, the pain that was held by the person will remain with the land and the dwelling. Depending on the circumstances, the spirit of the person may not leave the property.

As time goes on, every home and its occupants continue to have an impact on the land and the house because everything that occurs in a place is held for eternity in that space till the energy is cleared and the place is ready to forgive all that it has experienced.

Spirit Hauntings

War, Suicides and Untimely Death

War is one of the worst forms of trauma that is held and experienced within a space.  A time where fear, hatred, anger and a host of other emotions are held in people as they fight for their survival.  People dying in such circumstances often times are unable to depart and remain haunted by the experience.  Likewise, with suicide or untimely death, the  spirit is unable to move on.

Then there are spirits who are simply lost for whatever reason and these beings are roaming around looking for answers.  These beings are the indelible memories of my first experiences of the unseen world.  They have been impacted by so many energies that it makes me wonder if the people who created movies may have seen these creatures themselves.

These beings will give you restless nights because your spirit does not like it when they are in your energy space because it is trying to keep you safe.  Your spirit does this because when you are asleep, many aspects of your unseen self leave you and it is easy then to have these beings possess you or become attached to your energy field. possessed.  So your spirit wakes you up and your unseen aspects return.  They are your armour of the unseen world.

Earth Energy Grid Lines vs Geopathic Stress Lines

Earth's energy flows through natural grid lines and in these places the energy flow is very strong. The strength of the energy affects the health of occupants of dwellings built on top of or near the grid lines.  If your home happens to be on or near earth energy grid line, the grids will be maneuvered and the energy flow regulated.

There is a difference between Earths natural energy grid lines and Geopathic Stress Lines.  Geopathic stress lines are the stress lines associated with earthquakes.  These Geopathic stress lines cannot be regulated.  The release of the energy is sporadic and lasts for short periods in preparation for an earthquake and settling down period after an earthquake. I mention this so that you are aware that nothing can be done with Geopathic Stress lines.

Protection for your home

After the clearing is completed an energy grid protection will be placed around the property which will last for about two years.  What this means is that unseen energies, entities and beings will be caught and not able to get through the grid so your home will be protected.

People are quite unaware that if their energy field is weak then entities and beings latch on to them.  These entities and beings will simply get caught in the net and you or those visiting your home will not be bringing these critters into your home.

There is one thing you need to be aware of.  If a person is possessed by any entity or being, this cannot be removed by the energy grid.  Only the energy field gets cleared.  To be rid of anything that is attached to one's energy body, one would need to take clearing for "Childhood Emotional Trauma" which includes the de-possession of entities and beings.

The Process of Energy Clearing


Energy clearing can only be done on STAND ALONE  dwellings.  In other words, energy clearing cannot be carried out on buildings that are attached to another building in any way.  Even if the car port or garage is attached. So duplex buildings/apartments/flats etc cannot be cleared.

Length of Clearing Time

The full energy clearing takes place over a period of two and half  (2½) hours and is done remotely.  You will need to choose the date and time when everyone is able to leave the house for two and half hours.  In other words the home will have to be empty of people and pets.  You can stay outside the house in your garden, visit a neighbor or sit in your car parked out on the street . It is important that no one at all should be in the house.  The energy clearing will be stopped should any persons enter the house.

If possible it would be good to leave windows open.  I realise that in today's day and age where security can be questionable, it may not be possible.  In which case when you return to the house, open up the windows and doors and go outside for 10 minutes.  Bearing in mind the physical security of leaving your home with windows open etc. please choose wisely how best you can do this.

Booking date has to be AT LEAST 4 days from the day that you pay.

This is very IMPORTANT.  We are dealing with technology, which can at times fail us.  This lead time ensures that you are covered in any such event. Another is the requirement of administration time etc.

The start time must always be after sunrise and at least 3 hours before sunset.  No energy clearing can be done before sunrise or after sunset.

Once you have paid for the clearing, you will be taken to a booking calendar and booking form.

Fill out the form with all the details, paying particular attention to your residential address. I will have to work out the precise co-ordinates of the land and dwelling.

If for some reason you are not taken to the booking form, DO NOT PANIC.  You will receive an email to confirm your payment and the link to the booking form. Included in the email will be my Personal Email Address so you will also be able to contact me with any questions or to reschedule or cancel should you need to do that.

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